The Department for the Economy’s Northern Ireland Energy Strategy 2050 consultation period closed on Friday 2 July.
RenewableNI submitted a consultation document on behalf of our members. In this we have five key objectives:
- Zero carbon power by 2035;
- 80% renewable electricity by 2030
- NI inclusion in Contracts for Difference Action Round 5;
- Developer led grid investment;
- NI inclusion in next Crown Estate leasing round.
Head of RenewableNI, Steven Agnew, said:
“The Energy Strategy promises the Earth and must deliver.
“By setting an ambitious 80% renewable electricity target for 2030 the Department for the Economy can unlock over £1bn of private investment, save consumers more than £50m and reduce power sector emissions by 75%.
“With the right policy in place the renewables industry can power a green economic recover.”