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Tuesday 14 May | 1.00pm – 2.00pm

At Women In Renewables childcare was listed a main barrier for working parents.  For many, the cost of childcare was having a damatic impact on their working pattern.

RenewableNI has partnered with Employers For Childcare to offer a lunchtime webinar on the different form of support towards registered childcare costs.

There will be a 40 minute presentation which includes information on the eligibility criteria, the amount of support available and how the different forms of support are better in different household circumstances.

This will be followed by a Q&A on general questions that may arise and can be answered without the need for personal information being divulged.

Following the webinar contact details for an Employers for Childcare advisor will be provided for anyone to have a follow up confidential conversation regarding their personal circumstances and to have a calculation carried out to see what is the best form of financial support towards their childcare costs.

This session is free for RenewableNI members and will be held on MS Teams.

Employers for Childcare said: “Many people don’t realise that even if they are working, they may still be entitled to financial help, particularly with their childcare costs. We are here to support everyone – whether you’re a first-time parent wanting to know what financial support you are entitled to, a working parent considering altering your hours of work, or you are caring for a family member living with a disability.

“We provide information and advice on a wide range of childcare and work-related issues including:

  • Tax-Free Childcare
  • Universal Credit
  • Tax Credits
  • Childcare Vouchers
  • Disability Benefits
  • Social Security Benefits
  • Maternity/Paternity Leave and Pay
  • Shared Parental Leave
  • Flexible Working
  • School Uniform Allowance
  • Free School Meals.”